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IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT, Carroll O'Connor, 1984 / Everett Collection He helped the show become so successful it even spawned a couple of spinoffs, Archie Bunker's Place, and of course, The JeffersonsWe have a great Jefferson's deep dive if you wanna 'move on up' after this But some would say he was just as great in Heat of the Night And, his time on television didn't stop Learn about Grace Under Fire discover its cast ranked by popularity, see when it premiered, view trivia, and more Fun facts cast, trivia, popularity rankings, and more Famous BirthdaysGrace Under Fire is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from to The show starred Brett Butler, as a single mother learning how to cope with raising her three children alone after finally divorcing her nogood husband The series was created by Chuck Lorre and produced by CarseyWerner Productions
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